
Demystifying the coffee supply chain

Written by algrano
on July 08, 2020

At Algrano we keep saying we're in the business of fostering coffee relationships. Our goal is to connect roasters and growers directly to let the two opposite parts of the supply chain come closer and learn from each other. The story of a Nordic roastery Copenhagen Coffee Lab and a Peruvian cooperative Jumarp is a great example of how simple yet exciting can a coffee relationship be. 


Kristoffer Layton
Head of Green Bean Buying, CCL



After working in CCL for over 2 years and roasting some of the same coffee origins, we thought that it would be interesting to try a new origin that could give us something different without being a cup profile that will be hard to share with our clients. We thought Peru was a great new origin that is still a bit out of the coffee radar and could easily work because of the county's complex culture and history. 

I had experienced Peruvian coffees a couple times but never tried to roast or work close with it. 

After meeting Susanna, Sales Manager Nordics at Algrano, in Oslo and hearing about Algrano's services, I thought that this could be a great opportunity to work with a new platform knowing that Algrano would be helping us out with something a bit extra than just a new coffee origin.

After going through some of the Peru options Algrano had, we thought that JUMARP worked with coffee in a way we felt most comfortable with: they had some of the certifications we needed and the cup profile was perfect for us. 
When we decided to go with them Algrano facilitated a conference call with

Coffeebag2the growers where I got the chance to meet Marjorie and Ronal and heard directly from them how they operate, how many associates are part of JUMARP, what their cup qualities are and where exactly are they located. Since it's the first time for us buying coffee from Peru, it was important to know where they are located geographically. After the chat and a couple of whatsapp messages they mentioned that I was welcome to visit them during the harvest season so I could get a chance to see how they operate in person and visit a few farms.

Now the coffee has arrived and we are super stoked to roast it and share with our friends and clients. You can find it in the CCL's webshop



Marjorie Parrilla,
Commercial and Export manager, Jumarp


Screenshot 2020-07-03 at 10.27.02It is important for a small producer to know the value that their coffee has for an international customer. That is why having a direct and fluid communication with Copenhagen Coffee Lab, knowing their opinion and references about the coffees a small producer of the cooperative works for with so much effort, is an impulse to continue improving. It is also a great joy to know that this coffee is appreciated and highly valued, it is a way to know that we are doing things right but we can do them even better.



Are you interested in trying Peruvian coffees? Discover the coffees from Jumarp and other producers from Peru on offer now 🔥. 


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Are you a roaster considering buying a coffee directly from a grower? Sign up to Algrano (it's free) and start meeting growers and browsing their amazing coffees



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