“Coffee growers are not interested in new technologies”
“Coffee growers will never share picture with roasters”
are the kind of comments we often have heard before launching algrano. Many were doubtful about how coffee growers would be involved on the platform. Nevertheless, we listened to our gut feeling and moved forward with the project. One year after the launch we decided to look back and investigate how much growers were using algrano as a social media. It turned out that they uploaded close to 3 giga bites of pictures. And really amazing ones! I haven’t seen so many red cherries in my entire life.
To celebrate it and to share with you this inspiring demonstration that growers are willing to connect with the supply chain, we decided to release a picture wall. Think of it as the Pinterest for coffee growers. Now you can browse all pictures uploaded by growers. Take your time and browse the page, you will discover their reality in picture. Do they have family? what was the last award they received? And my favorite below: the drying patio seen from the back of his horse.